Join Right Moves For Youth
Heat Up The Night 2022
Presented by Bank of America
Thursday, December 8, 2022
6:00p.m. to 9:00p.m.
Wells Fargo Connections
300 S. Brevard Street, Charlotte NC 28202
Gather your friends, family and co-workers to join Right Moves For Youth for a night to connect with the community, celebrate our impact, and be inspired by a call to support our youth’s well-being in Mecklenburg County. RMFY will recognize an individual’s impact on youth with the presentation of the RMFY Community Impact Award, as well as a state-of-the-agency address from our Executive Director, Sabrina Gilchrist. The evening includes dinner, dancing, and fellowship.
Click below to visit the event page.
Table sponsorships reserve a cocktail table that includes 6 event tickets.
Table sponsorships and individual tickets include food and drinks.
Thank you sponsors!

GOLD SPONSORS (spaces still available)

SILVER SPONSORS (spaces still available)

TABLE SPONSORS (spaces still available)

IN-KIND SPONSORS (spaces still available)

Sponsorships are available now! Click below to download the sponsorship packet.
Contact Amanda Schneider to secure your sponsorship today aschneider@rightmovesforyouth.org