NBA All-STAR 2019
The Stars Have Aligned
Sitting on the edge of our seats in front of our TVs, several of us tuned in to TNT for the NBA All Star draft on Thursday, February 7, 2019. We didn’t know what we were about to witness. All we knew was that our Executive Director had emailed a cryptic message that said: “Please tune in to TNT tonight at 7 pm for a big announcement.” Nerves rattled. Drinks were in hand. Nothing could have prepared us for what we were about to watch.
At 7:08 pm, my phone started buzzing off the hook! Board members, former RMFY students, colleagues and supporters…everybody brimming with excitement as I held my remote control in utter shock. Did LeBron James just announce that he has chosen Right Moves for Youth as the Charlotte charity his team will be playing for on February 17, 2019 at 8 pm at Spectrum Arena? OMG…
Ladies and gentlemen, the Stars have aligned to support our mission: to provide the resources and guidance to help students graduate high school with a plan for their future success. In the words of King James himself, “obviously, we know how important education is, and how important these kids are…” Yes, we know; and we strive every day to support the development of over 1600 young people with the help of our community. We are building better lives through extraordinary relationships.
Since 1989, RMFY has served over 35,000 youth in Mecklenburg County. In the last several years, we have had increased demand for services and requests for program expansion. Along with the request came the need to build organizational capacity and infrastructure to serve more youth in Mecklenburg County and beyond. An opportunity like this – the alignment of stars with the alignment of Stars – moves us closer to realizing the dream that we’ve been working so hard to make a reality. RMFY is on the map and growing!
With that, we extend a warm thank you to the NBA, NBA Cares, NBPA, LeBron James and all of #TeamLeBron. Thank you for being Team RMFY!